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    • Italian

    Web Trotter

    locandina web trotter 2016
    Educating the new generations on a proper use of  IT tools, teaching them to handle the digital scenario in a systematic way  and fully exploit the web potentialities  are the noble goals of  Webtrotter : Around the World in 80 Minutes.
    Created by AICA to promote digital competences , this project is open to all Italian  High schools and acts on Information Literacy front.

    Therefore the initiative intends to encourage the development of all abilities necessary to make smart, critical and conscious web researches of data and information, using game and competition to involve and motivate students.



    Educating the new generations on a proper use of  IT tools; teaching them to handle the digital scenario in a systematic way  and fully exploit the web potentialities  are the noble goals of Webtrotter : Around the World in 80 Minutes.

    Created by AICA to promote digital competences , this project is open to all Italian  High schools and acts on Information Literacy front. Therefore the initiative intends to encourage the development of all abilities necessary to make smart , critical and conscious web researches of data and information, using game and competition to involve and motivate students.

    ITG , totally committed to strengthen and enhance IT skills , has joined the initiative through Aice (the new automatic dispenser for  exams) in web mode , which has guaranteed the competition between more than 300 teams and  the monitoring of results in real time. Encouraged by the triumph achieved in the school year 2013/2014 , AICA and the Miur are ready to replicate the success , with over 1,000 schools, in two stages: a qualifying group- March 10th 2015– and the final race March 26th  2015. The important news of this second edition include the involvement of teachers and a very topical theme: Expo 2015 –the world’s fair- that has chosen Webtrotter as one of its School Projects within the contests on the theme of nutrition and sustainability. Top 10 ranked teams will then be awarded at Didamatica 2015 , that will be held in Genoa , April 15th -17th .
